Jan 21, 2010

Music Dopness: Theophilus London

This morning I started to wonder to myself (after my friend reminded about Thophilus's mix of Solange's song Sandcastle Disco ) if I had ever spotlighted him on here. After a little post search I discovered... I hadn't. How dreadful! So, let me tell you... I LOVE me some Theophilus! I randomly came upon him while perusing Solange's old blog (she has a new one titled- My Damn Blog) and instantly loved his remix to one my fave songs by her, "Sandcastle Disco". With that.. intro.. I started to follow this fellow. He has since that time getting bigger and bigger and more awesome! I love his style. I love his swag. I love his music. He recently released his mixtape entitled "This Charming Mixtape" with a album cover that I dig....

Inspired by this Elvis Costello album cover....


Anyway, I'm definitely a fan of this Theophilus fellow and two of my most favorite songs by him would have to be "Cold Pillow" from "This Charming Mixtape" and "Humdrum Town" (below). His songs just make me think of the refreshing taste of water and the pulse of life. Swear. Check it!


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