Aug 2, 2010

Just Get To Know: Wiz Khalifa

Hello Friends! Back again. So, here's the thing, I am marginally obxessed with Wiz Khalifa! I remember when my tumblr homiez put me on. I was not originally obxessed but Khalifa has this way of keeping you interested and coming back for more. That's what he did to me and I'm glad I kept coming back. Now I find myself playing his music ALL THE TIME. Get into some Wiz Khalifa, dear friends.

This is one of my favorite videos/songs by him. It has a classic but modern vibe to it and I am especially in love with the rap breakdown at the end. Love!

Here's a track off of his mixtape, "Kush and OJ". This is the kind of track that the masses would love. Peep it!

Here's a re-make of "Knock You Down". Also, love!

That's all for now, friends!


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