Apr 2, 2011

Article: Loyalty Is Vintage

Loyalty is Chanel No5, its couture, it’s a classic patent leather pump, it’s red lipstick, it’s a string of pearls. Loyalty is the timeless piece no REAL relationship can do without. But its also so vintage and classic that this new generation fails at making it trendy.
 The quote above is from Brook Lynne Carter's post titled "Loyalty Is Vintage" and speaks true to the current state of relationships. It seems that people are not interested in being true and loyal to you or what you all have created. Friendships are wrought with self interest. Relationships are steeped in mistrust and families are being destroyed by dishonesty. I suppose right now is the time to take a moment and ponder who and what truly matters because when life gets real you need to know who will be by your side, clothed in loyalty. Read the article here. I can dig it.

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