Jul 24, 2010

2Day In Music... Lupe!

Hey friends! Soooo I am officially back in my city, Chicago and it has already been just wonderful! This means no more speaking from the suburbs. Yay! I'll actually probably post even more these days because I will be surrounded by greatness, music and otherwise. I went to a Cool Kids and Theophilous concert last night and it set my soul ablaze. I'm really going to have to try extremely hard to stay on track with my initial career goals now that I'm living here full time. Going to concerts always ignites this desire to do music all day, everyday. I always leave wanting to go straight to a studio, stay up all night and make a whole album. Sigh. Pray for me. It's going to be a looooong and WONDERFUL 2 years. But anyway to the point.

Lupe just dropped this frestyle about 15 minutes ago. Check it.

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