Apr 5, 2010

Black Girl Gone "Different"

Today I was watching Janelle Monae's most recent video and I had to chuckle. I LOVE this chick! She's a little bit old school, a little bit other-worldly, a little bit organic and a lot of AMAZING! She, in a lot of ways, falls into that whole "different" black girl column. Please do not even try to act all new with me. You know what that means! She's not light-skinned, she does not wear a perm or butt length weave and she makes music and videos with legitimate content and a covered body. (I love Bey but damn....) So yes, JM is what one would describe as a successful "different" chick. Then you have all the other efforts. Some attain that "difference" that feels real while others make you cringe with their effort.

Nicki Minaj: FAIL. (but "A" for effort and by effort I mean she swagger jacked Lil Kim.)

Res: Success.

 Solange: Success (?? On the fence about this one but she certainly has great style.)

 Erykah: Success

 Janelle Monae: Success

And check Janelle's latest video:

Music just would not be the same without all the real deals and wannabe's!

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